Greg Bolin
Texas State Faculty
Greg Bolin is our Musical Director for the Musical Theatre Program. A native of Helena, Montana, Greg received his D.M.A. in music composition at the University of Texas in Austin (2007), having received a B.M. in piano performance from the University of Montana (1996), and an M.M. in composition from the University of Arizona (2000). His composition teachers include David Maslanka at the University of Montana, Dan Asia at the University of Arizona, and Kevin Puts, Donald Grantham and Dan Welcher at the University of Texas. He has studied piano with Marjorie Schroeter, Monique Duphil (Oberlin Conservatory), Robert MacDonald (North Carolina School of the Arts) and Dennis Alexander (University of Montana). Bolin’s Trio for Bassoon, Oboe and Piano was premiered at the International Double Reed Society convention in Buenos Aires in 2000. His score for Earth Songs, commissioned by the St. Louis-based Metro Theater Company, was performed in November of 2004 by the Nuclear Percussion Ensemble and Michelle Isam. The piece was subsequently expanded into a concert suite for the University of Texas New Music Ensemble, which premiered the work during its 2006-07 season. In September of 2005, the Ying Quartet and the Montana-based Cascade Quartet teamed-up to premiere his octet, Missouri River Passacaglia through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Music Academy of Showa, Japan premiered Fleisher Pass in December 2005. The piece was subsequently performed by the University of North Texas Wind Ensemble under Eugene Coporon, and the University of Texas Wind Ensemble under Jerry Junkin. Fleisher Pass was featured in the 2006 edition of “Better Teaching Through Performance in Band,” available now through GIA Publications. For more information on Bolin visit his web site at www.gregbolin.com.